WP1 Stakeholder Requirements
Lead partner: Ghent University
- To critically review and analyse the information quality, delivery and functionality valued by consumers in the local sourcing of food.
- To seek and synthesise food providers perspectives on technology enabled dynamic supply provision.
- Compare and contrast European perspectives from Spain, France, Hungary, Belgium and UK.
- Task 1.1 Provide a critical understanding of consumer attitudes towards direct local food purchasing (assessing barriers and facilitators).
- Task 1.2 Critical analysis of food providers requirements for dynamic local supply transparency.
- Task 1.3 Synthesis of intelligence gained and prioritisation guiding the solution development
WP2 Information Engineering and Architecture Design
Lead partner: ELTE University
- To provide a database facilitating dynamic data management while ensuring ease of use.
- Task 2.1 Data Architecture design
- Task 2.2 Refinement of developed solution reflective of Prototype validation testing
WP3 User Interface Development
Lead partner: University of Zagreb
- Develop a functional graphical interface through user centric design
- Task 3.1 Design of Graphical User Interface
- Task 3.2 Refinement of developed solution reflective of Prototype validation testing
WP4 Prototype Validation and Field Testing
Lead partner: Institute Paul Bocuse
- Evaluate both the database prototype and the consumer interface prototype in terms of user response to enable refinement and ‘proof of concept’.
- Critically analyse consumer acceptance of the developed solution in real life settings.
- Rigorously assess food providers acceptance of the developed solution and factors to motivate wide adoption.
- Task 4.1 Prototype Evaluation, Refinement & Proof of Concept
- Task 4.2 Field Testing
WP5 Management, Coordination, Dissemination
Lead partner: University of Zagreb
- Provide robust management structure, responsibilities, deliverables and timescales throughout the project.
- Ensure clear communication throughout the consortium optimising the Research & Innovation, Training and Transfer of Knowledge through and after secondments.
- Disseminate findings for discussion and feedback to the widest audience of publics and the international academic community.
- Communicate the Research and Innovation to influence local, national and regional governance, non-governmental organisations and industry across the EU leveraging established networks.
- Ensure that all data, analysis and communication is available through Open Science and promoted to all interested parties in a ‘FAIR’ manner.
- Task 5.1 Develop and maintain robust and effective project structures and relationships.
- Task 5.2 Ensure Research and Innovation throughout the project is optimised and fully exploited.
- Task 5.3 Training and Development through Secondments.
- Task 5.4 Dissemination and Exploitation