Project work packages

WP1 Stakeholder Requirements

Lead partner: Ghent University


  1. To critically review and analyse the information quality, delivery and functionality valued by consumers in the local sourcing of food.
  2. To seek and synthesise food providers perspectives on technology enabled dynamic supply provision.
  3. Compare and contrast European perspectives from Spain, France, Hungary, Belgium and UK.


  • Task 1.1 Provide a critical understanding of consumer attitudes towards direct local food purchasing (assessing barriers and facilitators).
  • Task 1.2 Critical analysis of food providers requirements for dynamic local supply transparency.
  • Task 1.3 Synthesis of intelligence gained and prioritisation guiding the solution development

WP2 Information Engineering and Architecture Design

Lead partner: ELTE University


  1. To provide a database facilitating dynamic data management while ensuring ease of use.


  • Task 2.1 Data Architecture design
  • Task 2.2 Refinement of developed solution reflective of Prototype validation testing


WP3 User Interface Development

Lead partner: University of Zagreb


  1. Develop a functional graphical interface through user centric design


  • Task 3.1 Design of Graphical User Interface
  • Task 3.2 Refinement of developed solution reflective of Prototype validation testing


WP4 Prototype Validation and Field Testing

Lead partner: Institute Paul Bocuse


  1. Evaluate both the database prototype and the consumer interface prototype in terms of user response to enable refinement and ‘proof of concept’.
  2. Critically analyse consumer acceptance of the developed solution in real life settings.
  3. Rigorously assess food providers acceptance of the developed solution and factors to motivate wide adoption.


  • Task 4.1 Prototype Evaluation, Refinement & Proof of Concept
  • Task 4.2 Field Testing


WP5 Management, Coordination, Dissemination

Lead partner: University of Zagreb


  1. Provide robust management structure, responsibilities, deliverables and timescales throughout the project.
  2. Ensure clear communication throughout the consortium optimising the Research & Innovation, Training and Transfer of Knowledge through and after secondments.
  3. Disseminate findings for discussion and feedback to the widest audience of publics and the international academic community.
  4. Communicate the Research and Innovation to influence local, national and regional governance, non-governmental organisations and industry across the EU leveraging established networks.
  5. Ensure that all data, analysis and communication is available through Open Science and promoted to all interested parties in a ‘FAIR’ manner.


  • Task 5.1 Develop and maintain robust and effective project structures and relationships.
  • Task 5.2 Ensure Research and Innovation throughout the project is optimised and fully exploited.
  • Task 5.3 Training and Development through Secondments.
  • Task 5.4 Dissemination and Exploitation